Meth in Auckland, how bad is it?
Average house price of properties detected in excess of the NZ health Standard
Highest reading recovered from meth testing property
Percentage of positive detection meth tests in auckland properties
Positive detection
Most commonly meth tested suburbs in auckland
Auckland City
Maximum safe threshold of methamphetamine in a residential property
15 micrograms per 100cm2
District council accepted threshold
Largest individual bust of methamphetamine in auckland area
Worth over $90,000,000 in 2016
News coverage of meth in auckland properties
Auckland woman who carried $3.5 million in cash in suitcases jailed over record meth bust
An auckland woman invorved in delviring the money and co-ordinating drug drop offs throughout auckland in 2016 has been sentenced to 14 and a half years jail for her part in the operation. The meth that was found was linked to NZ's biggest meth bust of more than 500kg of meth on 90 mile beach last year.

Drug Bust: 17m of meth seized following an Auckland police investigation into the Bandidos motorcycle gang
After a 7 month investigation, a police joint operation have seized 17 million of methamphetamine, along side 150,000 of recently purchased jewellery and 200,000 in cash. Three people have been arrested and have been charged with importing methamphetamine, suppling and money laundering.
Four held as police bust Asian crime syndicate in Auckland, seizing meth, pistols and $100,000
An Asian organised crime syndicate in Auckland has been busted by police who siezed more than a kilogram of methamphetamine, firmarms and $100,000 in cash. "Four people have been arrested and charged in relation to the case, which has been part of an ongoing investigation since two large-scale meth labs were discovered in Auckland in January [2018].