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Manging Health and Saftey under alert level 3 for meth testing of residential & commercial property

Writer's picture: JoshJosh

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

As New Zealands stint at level 4 lockdown in relation to the spread of coronavirus comes to and end, we enter a new phase of business which involves adapting the concepts of social distancing into businesses. We here at MethSafe, believe that meth testing or meth toxicology reports must continue in order to provide due diligence to buyers involved in purchases, or rental properties that are transitioning between tenants. To this end, we will be operating at alert level 3 but with some extra precautions. In order to reassure our clients and the people who may meet our samplers onsite while completing toxicology reports or meth tests as we call them, we have created a few new processes to ensure maximum saftey and accountability of our samplers while doing their jobs.

New Policies:

  1. Maintaning a physical distance from other persons of atleast 2 meters.

  2. Contact tracing. Samplers will be keeping a record of the persons with whom they come in contact with. This will help in the event an issue arrises, persons who may be affected can be tracked down easily by the Ministry of health.

  3. When organising assessments of properties, all parties involved in managing access will be questioned in relation to any sick occupants that may be present (assuming access has been allowed by any occupants). If any occupant has had any symptoms such as a fever, sore throat or a cough in the last 2 weeks the assessment will not proceed at that time.

  4. Samplers will not conduct assessments if they have had any of the following symptoms in the last 2 weeks, cough fever or sore throat or have been in contact with any indivduals with these symptoms.

  5. Additional PPE will be used at all times, above what was normally used. This means eye protection, disposable boot covers, face masks and gloves will be used at all times when conducting assessments.

  6. A cleaning process has been put into place for all samplers. This involves using sanitising products prior to entry into the property. This will be repeated after the assessment has been completed and will include any items that may have been touched during the assessment such as cellphones/measuring tools, ladders or clipboards. All other regular contact items such as bags as well as contact surfaces in vehicles will be sterilised daily and all clothing worn by samplers is required to be washed daily.

As a company involved in Environmental sampling and consultation we are no strangers to controlling our enviroment in order to protect the integrity of our samples and the saftey of our samplers. However, with these few extra precautions we can reduce the risks associated with COVID-19 and help protect our clients and any persons we come into contact with during our work. If you have any questions around our Health and saftey policies under level 3 feel free to get in touch.

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